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[aboutPage image1=”165″ image2=”165″ desc=”Our work is always intended to provide a clear benefit to the organizations we work with in both the short and long term. We focus our resources, leverage our global scale, and drive excellence in all we do while enhancing our partner.”][aboutMission title=”Our mission” desc=”We are redefining social impact globally, locally and individually. As you’ll see on our Social Impact website, we address the world’s most pressing social issues through our multifaceted, global program focused on driving broad, enduring change.” list1=”Strategy experience and analytical expertise.” list2=”Realizing the full potential of IT investments and assets.” list3=”Predicting and managing risk.” list4=”Linking corporate strategy.” list5=”Enabling companies to grow revenue.” list6=”Advising investors across the entire investment period.” link_data=”https://www.youtube.com/embed/opj24KnzrWo?autoplay=1″ image=”361″][aboutPageSidebar]
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